Severed Branches Press emerges from the liminal spaces where shadows meet light, tracing the fractures of the human story and the echoes of forgotten truths. Each creation is an offering—a thread spun from the tangled roots of memory, grief, and renewal, inviting seekers to explore the raw beauty hidden within the cracks.
Through zines like Woundscapes, Severed Branches Press delves into the landscapes of loss and transformation, mapping the unspoken and unseen. It is a space for those who walk the edges, who feel the pull of the ancient and the yearning for what has been severed but not lost.
Based on the Squaxin Island Tribe's ancestral land of Steh-Chass (Budd Inlet, Olympia), we are rooted in the belief that storytelling is an act of reclamation.
Severed Branches Press invites you to step into the unknown, to find pieces of yourself in the spaces between.
Natura non contristatur
Eco-poetic works from the Salish Sea.
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